Dickens Wouldn’t Have Known What to Write About the Current Times for Financial Advisors

For Financial Advisors, it’s the BEST of times, it’s the WORST of times, AND it’s the most EXCITING of times!

I’ve spent more than 40 years helping financial advisors create the careers of their dreams. There is NO ONE else who has been doing this in THIS industry for so long. To be honest, I could retire. I could spend time traveling or at my house in the Hamptons. BUT there are still so many financial advisors I want to help find happiness and success and I know they need me now more than ever!

I say this is the BEST OF TIMES because the industry now has more career options than ever before and the goal of those in the industry has shifted to truly wanting to help clients and not just make money.

Back in the day, it was the time of big banks, brokers and traders, and only the richest of the rich really being able to be served. Independence, financial planning, and fiduciary responsibility weren’t even fathomed. There were few career path options, and you weren’t in control of any of them.
We now live in a time of “Choose-Your-Own-Adventure” or “Build-A-Bear” financial services careers. For the first time ever, financial advisors can build their career and their financial services practice any way they want!

So, how can it also be the WORST OF TIMES?

In this era of options, there are still so many financial advisors who are stuck, feel unhappy in their current circumstances, and are afraid of making a change. These are highly successful financial advisors who are simply in a wrong-fit scenario.

Their firm isn’t a cultural fit for the practice they want to create. The investment tools and offerings don’t match up with how they want to serve their clients. And sometimes, they are just over-looked or not as highly supported as they deserve.

If there are 3 or more years left before they plan to fully retire, then there is no reason for a financial advisor to stay in that situation. There are too many options available and too many years to stay miserable when they could be living their best lives and serving their clients to the best of their ability.

Which is what brings me to the MOST EXCITING TIMES!

BUT, with all these options there’s an even greater need for a skilled negotiator at your side. The financial services industry is not known for transparency. Let’s be real…we’re among friends.

Back in the day, deals to switch firms were so much more straightforward than they are today. No one thought to negotiate some of the finer details regarding what it’s like to work as a financial advisor – it was mostly about money.
Today, you can negotiate for many more components that affect the overall profitability of your practice AND the culture and operation of your practice.If it’s something that matters to you, you can negotiate for it.

Even bigger news…

It used to be that there was only a deal to be made if you moved from one major firm to another. If you wanted to go “Independent” you had to do that all on your own and foot the bill all by yourself.


If you’ve dreamed of going independent but thought it would be too expensive, then we need to talk. Because there are now deals to be made when going independent. I never thought I’d see the day!

This industry is changing fast! These changes affect the happiness and profitability of a financial advisor’s LIFE and BUSINESS. And that’s what this newsletter is going to be about.
I’ll be sharing real trends and success stories about what it is to live the life of a financial advisor and the opportunities to grow your business your way.
Afterall, it’s your Kingdom/Queendom! I want to help you be the King or Queen. You can have it all and I want to help.

Take it from the guy who’s been on the inside the longest…you don’t want to stay where you’re not happy, but you don’t want to try and negotiate the waters of a transition alone.
And heck, my help doesn’t cost you a penny and doesn’t affect your deal on iota!

IN FACT… you will likely get more by having a savvy negotiator by your side who has the “insider information” from working with so many financial services firms for so long. Relationships matter and I have the relationships! So, subscribe to the newsletter for further insights and feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation.

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